Demons Sent Me Into Derealization... But There I Met God | Rudy Tinoco | Ep. 58


Rudy struggled with panic and fear from a young age, and it only got worse after his brother's death when a small group leader suggested he didn't make it to heaven...

This led Rudy to running from God completely, and he quickly fell into the drug and party life. Until one night when he crossed meth and LSD and went on the trip of his life.

Demons sent him into derealization and told him he was dead. But in that trip, he became aware of God and cried out for help.

Now having access to his mind with the previous portals opened, the demons continued to taunt Rudy with derealization - even when he was completely sober and now working as a worship leader.

He feared he may never be fully delivered from the torment, but now nineteen years later, he serves as the lead pastor at Old Town Church and has learned to conquer his fear by the Word and blood of Christ.

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God Keeps Giving Me End Of The World Rapture Dreams | Carol Soto | Ep. 59


Jesus Delivered Me From Playboy, Pot & A Jezebel Demon | Melissa Palmer | Ep. 57