I Saw Hell on Acid: From New Age Deception To The Prince of Peace | Gabriella Stinson | Ep. 64


Gabriella's testimony takes us through a battle with demons, PTSD, and a life-changing vision of hell while on psychedelic drugs. Her quest for peace led to an encounter with Jesus, but seeking answers on Google rather than in Scripture led her through a misguided detour into New Age spirituality.

While at an Orange County revivalist event, she reluctantly brought home a Bible. It was then that God exposed her false beliefs and idolatry, and called her to abandon her at time network marketing business and follow him wholeheartedly.

We also discuss the dangers of seeking validation through popularity, cultish leadership in network marketing, and overcoming the consequences of past sexual sin in a new, God-honoring marriage.

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The Dark World of Sex Trafficking & How to Bring an End To It | Detective Heidi Chance | Ep. 65


Saved From Demons, An Abusive Boyfriend & Stripper Life | Elizabeth Ortega | Ep. 63