The Spiritual Dangers of Yoga, Alcohol, and New Age Practices | Jess Meets Travel | Ep. 66


Though Jess always considered herself to be a believer in Jesus, moving to California and getting exposed to a world of yoga, meditation, avocado toast and open mindedness about spirituality quickly led her into New Age spirituality.

Her identity became one in the same with yoga, branding herself on socials as Yoga Meets Travel. After God told her to give up alcohol, the demons she had been playing with became manifest and she began to make the connections of alcohol and yoga being spiritual doors of darkness. God restored her identity and reminded her of her real name, Jess, and she changed her brand name to Jess Meets Travel.

In this episode we talk about yoga from a Christian perspective, Jess's demonic attacks, how God showed up in miraculous ways through prayer and before she even knew to pray, religion, christ consciousness, and the dark spiritual ties to New Age stuff.

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